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Subject Minister Kim Hyun-mee Emphasizes “The East Asian Railway Community Forum is the First Step for Co-prosperity in Northeast Asia”
Upload Date 2019-06-27 Source MOLIT News
Name Charlotte PARK (044-201-3077, parkeunju@korea.kr) Inquiry 1496
Attached File 1 Minister Kim Hyun-mee Emphasizes_The East Asian Railway Community Forum is the First Step for Co-prosperity in Northeast Asia1.hwp Document Preview
Requests to come up with privately-initiated ideas and search for various development directions at the founding seminar of the forum on June 26 □ Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Kim Hyun-mee participated in the ‘East Asian Railway Community Forum’ founding seminar* held at COEX in Seoul on June 26 (Wed) to congratulate the founding of the forum and to encourage the personnel.

* (Sponsor) East Asian Railway Community Forum, (Host) Korea Transport Institute, (Guests) Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Land, Infrastructure and Transport Committee Chairperson, President of the Korea Railroad Corporation, Director of the Korea Rail Network Authority, experts, etc. totaling at about 300 people

ㅇ The East Asian Railway Community Forum was founded by the private sector to search for practical plans and gain driving force for the success of the East Asian Railway Community.

ㅇ It is jointly headed by former president of the Korea Railroad Corporation Oh Young-shik and former vice-minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, and it will be joined by approximately 50 experts in various areas such as academic, legal, press and industry sectors.

□ Minister Kim said, “The government has provided the cornerstone for connecting our railroad network with the continental railroad by joining the OSJD last year and holding the groundbreaking ceremony for inter-Korean railway construction. It has also continuously its plans for a community and requested support to the relevant nations through the Korea-China Railway Cooperation Conference, East Asian Economic Forum, and OSJD Summit.”

ㅇ She added, “Practical strategies are being devised to materialize the East Asian Community idea together with relevant government agencies such as the MOLIT, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Presidential Committee on Northern Economic Cooperation, as well as national research institutes such as the KDI and the Korea Transport Institute.”

□ Furthermore, Minister Kim stated, “Once the East Asian Railway Community is established, it will be possible to travel through the countries of East Asia in one day, and through this, we can expect increased economic prospects for Korea as well as the construction of a multilateral peace and security system in the region.”

ㅇ She also added, “We welcome the founding of the East Asian Railway Community Forum initiated by the private sector, and I would like to ask that efforts be made from various angles to come up with new ideas and practical plans for success in its objectives.”

June 26, 2019 MOLIT Spokesperson