- Korea's Cadastral System to be Transferred to Colombia [2023-07-26 ] - Korea's cadastral system to be transferred to Colombia, a country that participated in the Korean War - Expected to lay the foundation for Korean companies to enter Latin America by Realizing..
- Opening of Asia’s First ‘NEOM Exhibition’ [2023-07-25 ] - Discover NEOM Tour and MOLITⅹNEOM Roadshow & Opening Ceremony held on 24~25 July in Seoul - Thematic presentations and Mock-up exhibitions by each field of One Team Korea such as constructi..
- Strengthening ROK-Poland Cooperation to Develop Infrastructure and Support Ukraine's Reconstruction [2023-07-14 ] Signed two MOUs between the MOLIT and the Polish government on the occasion of the state visit to Poland The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT, Minister WON Hee-ryong) annou..
- Korean Drone Companies towards the World [2023-07-10 ] - Held overseas drone roadshows in 4 countries, including Uzbekistan, Colombia, Saudi Arabia, and Czech Republic until October this year - Selected 13 domestic drone companies to participate in ..
- Korea to Lead the Way of International Cooperation on Sustainable Smart Cities [2023-07-04 ] - Co-hosting the Roundtable with the OECD on July 3rd as leading international cooperation in the field of smart cities Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT, Minister WON Hee-ry..