Great Train eXpress

  • Great Train eXpress
  • The Great Train eXpress (GTX) is a new concept of high-speed train service in the Seoul Capital Area, designed to improve transport welfare of metropolitan residents and alleviate chronic congestion by connecting key areas in the outskirts of the capital with the city center in 20 minutes. The existing subway lines operate at the speed of 30~40km/h, around 20m underground, but the GTX operates deeper underground of around 40~50m, at the maximum speed of 180km/h in straight routes.
Business Scale
Business A, B, C 3 Lines : 237.4km in total
Total Expenses
  • 13 trillion 109.3 billion won
  • A route 2 trillion 1.7 billion won
  • B route 5 trillion 903.8 billion won
  • C route 4 trillion 303.8 billion won
Future Plans
  • A route plan to complete by 2023
  • B route complete the pre-feasibility study in 2019, and carry out follow-up procedures including the establishment of basic plan
  • C route initiate the basic plan and launch follow-up procedures in 2019