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Subject Minister Kim Hyun-mee Focusing on Campaign for Seventh Straight Term as ICAO Board Nation
Upload Date 2019-09-26 Source MOLIT News
Name Charlotte PARK (044-201-3077) Inquiry 1103
Attached File 1 Minister Kim Hyun_mee Focusing on Campaign for Seventh Straight Term as ICAO Board Nation.docx Document Preview
Minister Kim Hyun-mee Focusing on Campaign for Seventh Straight Term as ICAO Board Nation
- Signed ICAO Education Cooperation MOU and Urged Cooperation of ICAO‘s Southern Jeju Corridor -

□ Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Kim Hyun-mee will attend the 40th general assembly of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)* held in Montreal, Canada from September 24 (Tue) and began full-fledged negotiation activities so that the Republic of Korea can sit as a board nation for the seventh straight years

* ICAO: An organization under the UN for the development of international civil aviation joined by 193 countries (Korea joined in ‘53) and board nation are appointed at the general assembly held every three years

ㅇ There are 36 board members of the ICAO and it is the top decision-making institute in the private aviation sector that sets international standards and policy directions related to aviation. Korea has been a board nation since 2001.

□ Minister Kim Hyun-mee formed a consensus for the need for Korea to continue to sit as a board member during interviews with ICAO Chairperson Dr. Aliu and Secretary General Dr. Fang Liu.

ㅇ Furthermore, she explained the position of the Korean government that is working hard to quickly solve safety issues regarding the southern Jeju corridor.

□ As one of the world’s top 7 air transport nation, Korea has engaged in the following to contribute to the ICAO’s core initiatives*

ㅇ It decided to expand education and training for developing countries and to newly support master’s degree programs for aviation policy officials from next year, and signed 2 MOUs** for this.

* No Country Left Behind Initiative: A campaign that supports the execution of the ICAO international standards recommendations of member nations

** Education and training MOU for aviation industry workers of developing countries between Korea and ICAO
Cooperation MOU for scholarship projects (support for master’s degree program in the aviation sector) between Korea and LACAC (Latin American Civil Aviation Committee)

ㅇ Minister Kim held over 10 relay interviews over two days with the transport ministers of the Netherlands, Mexico, Ethiopia and Sweden and the director of the US Transportation Security Administration and representatives of the European and Latin American civil aviation committees. She also attended five banquet receptions* to emphasize the contributions and roles of Korea for the international aviation community in her plans to receive support for Korea to sit in for its seventh term as a board nation.

* △Held ICAO in commemoration of the 75th anniversary of ICAO, △Hosted by Montreal Group (groups between seven Asia Pacific region board nations including Korea), △Hosted by USA, △Hosted by Italy, △Reception hosted by ABIS Group (Group of 8 European countries including Austria and Belgium)

□ Elections for board nations will be held on October 1 (Tue) and on behalf of Minister Kim who will return to Korea to take care of domestic business such as a government hearing and audit, Vice-minister Kim Gyeong-wook will attend as the substitute representative from the 27th (Fri) and continue negotiation activities.

September 26, 2019
MOLIT Spokesperson