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Subject Seeking Smart City Killer Contents with Private Sector.
Upload Date 2019-05-03 Source MOLIT News
Name Park Jung-hyun (82) 44-201-3713 Inquiry 837
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Seeking Smart City Killer Contents with Private Sector.

- 2019 Smart City Challenge... Gwangju, Bucheon, Suwon, Changwon, Daejeon and Incheon selected

□ The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (Minister Kim Hyun-mee) selected six cities from the 2019 Smart City Challenge such as Gwangju Metropolitan City, Bucheon-si and Suwon-si of Gyeonggi-do, Changwon-si of Gyeongsangnam-do, and Incheon Metropolitan City.

□ Unlike local government support projects of the past, the Smart City Challenge was designed to efficiently solve urban issues with the creative ideas of the private sector and to effectively substantiate and spread corporate solutions. Various start-ups, small, medium and large companies partnered up with the 48 local governments around the nation.

ㅇ The six local governments selected will receive 1.5 billion KRW and expert consulting each for establishing business plans and for testing the representative solutions. Plans are to select one or two outstanding local governments and support funding for the main project to disseminate the solution.

□ According to the review results from the evaluation committee comprised of 10 outside experts in various fields, the projects selected closely considered the actual demand of citizens, have strong business intent by participating companies, and have great potential for disseminating solutions, and therefore are expected to contribute significantly in creating a new smart city market.

□ Gwangju Metropolitan City will seek regional innovation by constructing, a small, but strong ‘Block chain-based data and Reward platform’ in the Chungjang-ro area together with local small and medium businesses.

ㅇ It will construct an open data platform through a well-organized voluntary win-win group led by citizens to provide support for profit creation and re-investments of private companies such as commercial area activation analysis, floating population analysis, and traffic flow analysis.

□ Bucheon-si, KEPCO KDN and Kakao Mobility will open up public and private parking lot information using block chain technologies in the old downtown area of Sinheung-dong and attempt to solve urban issues using electric vehicles, electric kickboards and car-sharing.

ㅇ In addition, it will establish a community-led social village company to supply youth and public housing and for creating community revenue and local jobs by linking with the renewable energy infrastructure.

□ Suwon-si will team up with Samsung Electronics and Samsung SDS to offer various solutions that can help with service awareness and decision-making for citizens through the 5G-based mobile digital twin project for re-energizing the old city center.

ㅇ While offering the ‘Haenggung-dong in Your Palm’ solution in Hwaseong, Korea’s first planned city, it will also experiment with improving air quality, water management using rain water, and car-sharing and bicycle-sharing services to solve the parking issues.
□ Changwon-si of Gyeongsangnam-do and LG-CNS will test the self-sufficient smart industrial complex project that re-invests in public benefit services such as safety and environment based on the energy-based sustainable profit business model planned focusing on the Jinbuk General Industrial Complex and outdated residential areas in Habpo-gu of Masan.

ㅇ For this, it will introduce virtuous cycle business model structures such as the special purpose corporation, ‘Smart Support Center’, and also support increased participation of small and medium companies.

□ Daejeon Metropolitan City, LG-CNS and KT will introduce a customized parking-sharing system that connects all of the public and private parking facilities in the Jungang Market area to address the issue with lack of parking spaces in the city.

ㅇ It will construct a cooperative system with merchants’ associations and building owners to encourage civic participation, while also looking at strategies to energize the commercial districts by introducing electronic parking coupons and payments by points.

□ Incheon Metropolitan City and Hyundai Motor Company will test the Mobility on Demand System that aims at lowering discomfort of citizens and saving on financial costs for operating buses by flexibly operating bus stations with passenger demands regardless of the existing bus route in the Yeongjong International City, which has a weak public transportation system.

ㅇ In addition, it will also offer autonomous taxi-sharing of citizens, location-based advertising services, shared electric keyboard, and bus and subway linking services.

□ MOLIT Urban Economy Division Manager Bae Sung-ho said, “This project is significant in that local governments and private companies brainstormed together to solve urban issues.”

ㅇ He added, “Once sustainable solutions are introduced in the market in various sectors through the assertive participation of private companies, it is expected that it will assist greatly in activating the smart city industrial ecosystem as well.”