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Subject Sangam Autonomous Driving Festival... Opening Test Stage for World’s First 5G Autonomous Driving
Upload Date 2019-06-21 Source MOLIT News
Name Lee Yong-gwan (82) 44-201-4081 Inquiry 1536
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Sangam Autonomous Driving Festival... Opening Test Stage for World’s First 5G Autonomous Driving

□ MOLIT (Minister Kim Hyun-mee) established the world’s first ‘5G convergence urban autonomous driving test bed’ in Sangam-dong, Mapo-gu as part of the C-ITS substantiation project that is being pursued together with Seoul City. The autonomous driving monitoring center ‘Seoul Future Mobility Center’ will be opened on June 22 (Sat).

ㅇ The Sangam autonomous driving test bed is outfitted with not only an urban autonomous driving support C-ITS infrastructure, but also other facilities such as precision road map platform, EV charging station, etc. Various future mobility testing spaces for the advanced 5G convergence autonomous driving of Korea will be opened to the public free-of-charge, 24 hours a day.

□ To commemorate this, MOLIT announced that it would hold the ‘Sangam Autonomous Driving Festival’ from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on the 22nd (Sat) together with Seoul City and the Ministry of Science and ICT.

□ This day will be recorded as a historic day where after about 110 years since automobiles and phones were first introduced in Korea, 5G technologies that were successfully commercialized for the first time in the world meet with autonomous driving/connected cars, which represent future mobility, in the middle of Seoul to drive on the roads of Sangam.

□ Citizens visiting the event can take a ride on the autonomous driving car and visit various exhibits that easily summarizes the principle of autonomous driving cars to quench their curiosity about future transportation.

□ The festival held the opening ceremony of the ‘Seoul Future Mobility Center’ in the heart of the ‘Sangam Autonomous Driving Test Bed’ being held with the attendance of key figures such as Minster of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Kim Hyun-mee, Seoul Mayor Park Won-soon and others.

ㅇ The Seoul Future Mobility Center established on the first floor of Sangam S-Plex is an area specialized to support the monitoring and technical support of future transportation such as autonomous driving and connected cars, C-ITS, etc.

ㅇ It will be opened free-of-charge, 24 hours a day to personnel from all companies and institutes related to future transportation. In addition to monitoring, it will also provide ▲C-ITS service testing, ▲office and technology development, ▲company and institute PR, and ▲overseas business, etc. and thus become the hub of the future transportation industry where the lights never turn off.

□ The ‘Sangam Autonomous Driving Festival’ that will be held under the theme, ‘future transportation connected with 5G’ will be joined by major Korean companies related to autonomous driving such as SK Telecom, KT, Samsung Electronics, LG Electronics, and Unmanned Solution, etc., as well as universities such as Yonsei University and Kookmin University, for a total of 17 institutes to take part in the festival of experiencing future transportation.

□ A total of seven autonomous driving vehicles (4 buses, 3 passenger vehicles) will operate with citizens for a 1.1km sector at Worldcupbuk-ro to demonstrate various autonomous driving technologies such as 5G-based signal recognition, avoiding malfunctioning vehicles, etc.

□ This festival will invite children and parents at Sangam and Sangji Elementary Schools in the Sangam-dong area to provide future mobility experience opportunities to future generations that will be the masters of Seoul in the future to give them the opportunity to ride the 5G autonomous vehicles.

□ In addition to riding the autonomous driving vehicles operating on an actual road, visitors can also take photos sitting on the autonomous driving car on display and listen to close explanations on what kind of equipment are installed in the vehicle to learn more about this. Plans are to put on exhibit ▲autonomous driving buses (2)▲autonomous driving delivery vehicle (1) and robot delivery (1), and ▲autonomous driving passenger vehicles (2) on the sidewalk in front of the Sangam Culture Plaza.

□ In addition, various technologies will also be put on display such as 5G autonomous driving vehicle remote control, drone experience, electric vehicles, etc. to give the opportunity to get a sneak peek at future mobility technologies that will change our lives in the future.

□ There will also be a variety of entertainment for children. Visitors can put on VR glasses and get on board a real ▲submarine, ▲hot air balloon, and ▲ambulance and have a virtual experience on it. Also, by bringing a photo such as family photo, etc. in your smartphone, visitors can make a special and unique transportation card for yourself or your family. All programs at this festival are free and open to everyone.

□ The ‘Seoul Autonomous Driving Forum’ will also be held at the Sangam S-Plex Center from 2 p.m. on June 21 (Fri) in connection to the festival. The Seoul Institute of Technology, which is the first application and testing research institute established by a local government organization, will invite relevant experts for the event.

□ A the Seoul Autonomous Driving Forum that will be held under the theme, ‘New Future Smart Seoul. First Step to Autonomous Driving’, will share expertise from Seoul City, MOLIT, researchers, academic societies, and relevant industries to pave the foundation for cooperation in preparation to the age of full autonomous driving.

□ Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Kim Hyun-mee said in her congratulatory address, “We expect that through the establishment of the urban autonomous driving test bed, we will be able activate development and testing of autonomous driving services specialized for public transportation.”

ㅇ She added, “We will make systemic preparations so that the ‘Autonomous Driving Act’ that was established in April will continue to support the implementation and dissemination of autonomous driving cars.”