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NEOM Exhibition held in Seoul

  • NEOM Exhibition held in Seoul
  • NEOM Exhibition held in Seoul
  • NEOM Exhibition held in Seoul
  • NEOM Exhibition held in Seoul
  • NEOM Exhibition held in Seoul
NEOM Exhibition held in Seoul 포토이미지
The MOLIT hosted the Discover NEOM Tour for the first time in Asian region on 24 and 25 July, along with the MOLIT×NEOM Roadshow & Exhibition Opening Ceremony at Dongdaemun Design Plaza (DDP) in Seoul to showcase locations and terrain models of major NEOM projects, including The Line, Sindalah, Oxagon, and Trojena, as well as scale models of The Line Marina and virtual experience screen of The Line.

On the evening of the 25th, the NEOM Exhibition Opening Ceremony was held attended by about 250 people, including leaders from various fields in business and government and influencers on YouTube and social media, etc.