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Subject “Everything about Smart Cities” at the Korea Territorial Development Museum
Upload Date 2019-11-26 Source MOLIT News
Name Yeon Woo Kim +82 (044) 201-4744 Inquiry 1210
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“Everything about Smart Cities” at the Korea Territorial Development Museum

 Visitors will be able to experience for themselves new smart city technologies at the Korea Territorial Development Museum, the only national museum on the land and transport sector. In commemoration of its second-year anniversary, parts of the exhibit hall were renovated and the special exhibit room on the first floor was transformed into the Smart City Special Exhibit Hall.

 The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (Minister Kim Hyun-mee) announced that the first floor of the Korea Territorial Development Museum located in Jeong-dong, Seoul was renovated into an exhibit area to show everything about smart cities and that it will be open to the public from the 28th.

 Smart cities are urban models that integrate new technologies such as information communication technologies (ICT), big data, artificial intelligence (AI), etc. to solve various urban issues and to improve quality of life.

 Based on the vision of ‘Smart Life in a Smart City’, the Korea Territorial Development Museum will prepare the smart city special exhibit under the concept ‘connected life’ and operate it until July 15 of next year.

 The exhibit hall will offer ▲experiencing the process of ‘solving various urban issues’ using spatial and data-based services, ▲configuration of an ‘inclusive smart city’ that is considerate of various citizens, ▲‘customized super-intelligent smart city’ model based on hyper-connection, ▲experience space for ‘urbanite participation smart city’ based on the 7 innovative technologies of land and transport*, and it is planning to offer an assortment of experiences related to smart cities.

* Hydrogen economy, smart city, autonomous driving vehicle, drones, smart construction, zero-energy construction, data economy

 Meanwhile, in addition to the newly renovated first floor exhibit on the first floor, the fourth-floor video room of the Korea Territorial Development Museum will also be renovated to make all of the floors in the building a mutually organic space. Furthermore, visitors will be able to see the territorial development history of the Republic of Korea to the future territory that all citizens will build together all in one place.

 MOLIT Territorial Policy Division Manager Jung Ui-gyeong said, “With the development of advanced technologies such as big data, IoT, AI, etc., massive changes are occurring in urbanite lifestyles and territorial management methods.”

 Jung also added, “This exhibit was designed so that all citizens can easily comprehend how smart cities are built by combining new technologies with government policies, and so we hope that many people including the future generation will come visit this exhibit.”