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Subject S.Korea Transport Minister calls on all hands on deck for the successful implementation of new air traffic service system in South Jeju Airspace
Upload Date 2021-03-25 Source MOLIT News
Name Charlotte PARK (044-201-3077, parkeunju@korea.kr) Inquiry 507
Attached File 1 210325 S_Korea Transport Minister calls on all hands on deck for the successful implementation of new air traffic service system in South Jeju Airspace.pdf Document Preview

- In his inspection visit to Incheon Area Control Center (ACC) on 25 March, Mr. Byeon asked air traffic controllers to keep up their global competitiveness in air traffic control service and air navigation safety domain

The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT) Byeon Chang-heum visited Incheon Area Control Center (ACC) on Thursday to inspect the implementation status of new air traffic service (ATS) arrangement in the air corridor of Southern Jeju airspace.

The visit was made to comprehensively check the State’s air traffic control capabilities and preparedeness as a new ATS structure and routes were implemented as of 25 March 2021 in the southern Jeju Corridor area under a trilateral agreement reached on 25 December last year between the Republic of Korea, China and Japan.

* Phase 1 (Mar.25 2021): Japan’s ATS provision role taken over by Korea; airways between Korea and Japan double-tracked; a direct speech circuit established and a Letter of Agreement concluded between Korea and China
** Phase 2 (17 June 2021, tentative): a triple-tracked airway to be implemented between Korea and China as suggested by International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)

After having been briefed on the progress, Minister Byeon commended the hard work and dedication of officials who had led and pulled through the final agreement in the midst of stalemate posed by a worldwide COVID-19 pandemic and thereafter had successfully prepared for the first phase.

“Today marks such a meaningful day for all of us in that the remnants of the Cold War persisting over 37 years within Korea’s Flight Information Region (FIR) have finally got to disappear into the archives of history,” Minister Byeon said.

“As the eyes of world are upon the southern part of Jeju, it is time to pull all our strength and resources together and provide safe and quality air traffic service to show the world what Korea proudly has to offer in terms of air traffic control services,” he added.

2021. 3. 25.
The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT)
The Republic of Korea