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Subject 2nd Gyeonggi Provincial Bus Job Fair Starts on 13th at KINTEX
Upload Date 2019-08-12 Source MOLIT News
Name Lee Chan-il(044-201-4158) Inquiry 941
Attached File 1 2. 2nd Gyeonggi Provincial Bus Job Fair Starts on 13th at KINTEX1.docx Document Preview
- More participating companies (30→36)... 1:1 consulting with experts and customized job informatio (will be offered.)

- MOLIT to strive to settle down the 52-hour work week through support such as continuously opening (job) fairs

□ MOLIT (Minister Kim Hyun-mee) and Gyeonggi Province (Governor Lee Jae-myung) announced that it would hold the ‘2nd Gyeonggi Provincial Bus Driver Job Fair’ at the Ilsan KINTEX Exhibit Hall 6C from August 13 (Tue) to 14 (Wed) together with the Korea Transport Safety Authority (President Kwon Byeong-yoon) and the Gyeonggi Provincial Bus Transport Business Cooperative (President Kim Gi-seong).

ㅇ The first job fair was held for two days from June 20 to 21, and it not only provided career information to visitors (1,350 people), but also showed positive effects in that it led to actual recruitment.

- The second job fair will expand the number of participating firms (30→36) and it is scheduled to increase the scale compared to the first exhibit by holding a variety of auxiliary events.

□ This event, which will be joined by 36 major bus companies in Gyeonggi Province (19 with over 300 employees, 17 with less than 300 employees), will include ① the provision of bus driver job information, ② 1:1 consulting and employment of bus companies and job-seekers, and ③ the Korea Transport Safety Authority`s counselling and recruitment for driver fostering courses.

ㅇ If job seekers bring their resume and CV, employment procedures will be conducted on site through interviews with companies.

□ This job fair will also be joined by auxiliary events that provide customized hiring information needed by job seekers.

ㅇ In addition to consultation booths for each bus company, it will also offer employment seminars by HR personnel of each company, reviews and experiences of those who completed the Korea Transport Safety Authority’s driver fostering course, instructors who will provide information on writing resumes and interview skills, as well as customized information for employment in bus companies through career consulting by occupational consultants.

ㅇ It will also offer free resume photo services and transport safety experience simulators (VR) so that visitors can gain direct experience on accidents to enhance transport safety consciousness.

□ Meanwhile, organizers from MOLIT and Gyeonggi Province emphasized the benefits of being bus drivers pointing out the high job stability, economic stability through wages, improved work environment by implementing the 52-hour work week, and various benefits making it perfect for a lifelong job, and asked for a lot of attention and participation by job seekers.

ㅇ It announced that it would continue to host such expositions following this event to provide full support for hiring new personnel and to strive to settle down the 52-hour work week system on site.

ㅇ It also stated that it would spare no effort to provide convenient and safe bus services, as well as the creation of high quality jobs through online PR such as providing support to increase the number of driver fostering personnel of the Korea Transport Safety Authority by 500 people (2,000 -> 2,500), provision of customized employment information to newly eligible persons (text message), Korea Transport Safety Authority Employment Support App (Car365) and the Ministry of Employment and Labor Worknet (www.work.go.kr).

□ Inquiries on details on this job fair can be directed to the Gyeonggi Provincial Bus Transport Business Cooperative (031-246-42103, Extension 104).

ㅇ If you are unable to attend this event, you can also check employment information in the Hiring Board of each company’s homepage*.
* Gyeonggi Provincial Bus Company Driver Employment Portal (http://www.jobaba.net)

Gyeonggi Provincial Bus Transport Business Cooperative (http://www.gbus.or.kr)Korea Transport Safety Authority Driver Job Platform (http://safeinfo.kotsa.or.kr/job)