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Subject K-City Network Solution Demonstration Project 2024
Upload Date 2024-04-18 Source MOLIT News
Name Annie Hyunsuk KIM Inquiry 319
Attached File 1 K-City Network Solution Demonstration Project 2024.docx Document Preview
Attached File 2 K-City Network Solution Demonstration Project 2024.pdf Document Preview

The number of 6 overseas cities selected for the K-City Network Solution Demonstration Project 2024 supported with a total of KRW 2.5


The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT, Minister PARK Sang-woo) selected six cities for this year's K-City Network

Overseas Demonstration Project at its Selection Committee held on April 16th.

* Hue City in Vietnam, Jakarta City in Indonesia, Puerto Princesa City in the Philippines, Siem Reap Province in Cambodia, Verona City in Italy, New Jersey State in the U.S.

The K-City Network Project is to support overseas exports of companies in the smart city field and smart city development by global cities

based on intergovernmental cooperation program for building a global network.

Its request for application had been started from the end of January this year, divided into planning type* and overseas demonstration

type**. The planning type will be selected at the end of June after prior consulting with the requested overseas cities for projects received by April.

Please refer to the attached files or the preview for more details!